Chant the following mantra and then have the theertham without noice.

Then perform the following prANAhoothi. Use only the thumb, index finger and middle finger of the right hand and take a very little amount of the rice and ghee mixed and swallow it without touching the teeth.
‘Om prANAya svAhA (east)
Om apAnAya svAhA (south)
Om vyAnAya svAhA (west)
Om udhAnAya svAhA (north)
Om samAnAya svAhA (center)
Om bhrahmaNE svAhA (center)’      (REMEMBER  ORDER  ‘P  A  V  U  S  B’)
SriGovindhAya nama:

From the time rice is placed on the leaf, till Pranagni hothram is done, we should not speak with any body. The six times we take rice with mantra should be swallowed and not eaten.

After we take food our stomach should contain 2 parts of food, one part of water and one part air.

Before eating every hand full of food, we have to say , “Govinda, Govinda" or atleast in between chant 'Govinda, Govinda'.
When eating , every time we should take rice which can be held comfortably by mouth using the five fingers. Trying to swallow more and taking it back and keeping it on the leaf is a sin. 

We should not take food with a group of people . We should not eat in front of others also. If we are compelled to sit in a group, we have to either chant the Trisuparna mantras or the names of God.

We should always keep the water pot to our right. The water kept on the left, the water taken by the left hand, water drunk while standing, taking water remaining in the glass left by others, should not be drunk as otherwise it is equivalent to taking Alcohol.
  ------will continue  in next posting

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