Perform Nitya and Naimithika karmas without fail (Emberumaan says

"Sruti Smriti mamaivaagya, aagya cheti mama drohi") –  This  includes  primarily Sandhyaa vandahanam, Tharpanams, etc.

Don’t see rising sun or when sun is setting down or at noon or during eclipse.

Before entering river sprinkle the river water on head and pray.  Only after this we can place our feet.  Don’t throw a stone into a pond or lake.  Don’t urinate or do any cleaning work in the river or pond itself after stools.
Don’t cross river by swimming but can travel by boat. We can cross by walking as above but do Achamanam after crossing.

Elders would be seen applying or using mud after such acitivites.  But mud should not be grinded to powder without any reason.

In the month Adi, we should not take bath  new tide for first three days as the period is considered as periods of the river.  But during upakarma and eclipse the above rule will not apply.  

Some times after a pooja or sadhyavandanam we do pradshina of ourselves. But  don’t do it near a banyan tree or river.
Smoke from dead corpse, shadow of lamo or shadow of a debased man should not fal on us.   This is will reduce our life, health and wealth.    l

Don’t tread on shadow of idols of God, guru, mother, elders, base people and cow.
Milk, sandal paste and flowers should not be kept in copper vessel.

Cooking for our own eating is a sin and first it should be offered to God and atithi first.

Some people do evening Sandhya Vandhana facing the west.  Only the Japa and Arghya pradana has to be done facing the west. Aachamana, Prokshanam, Agnischa….. ,  Aadhithyadhi Tharpana should be done facing north.

------will continue  in next posting

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