TILAK - நெற்றிக்கு திலகம் இடுவது ஏன்?

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A tilak is an auspicious symbol. It is applied on the forehead in the space between two eyebrows. This place is called Ajna Chakra. The place is also called Bhrumadhya. ‘Bhru’ means eyebrow and ‘Madhya’ means center. It has a very cooling effect. Mostly saivas apply three horizontal lines using sacred ashes (Bhasma), vaishavites put three vertical lines (Thripundra) using sandal paste, and Devi or Sakthi devotees use kumkum, a red Turmeric powder. While applying they pray to the Lord to protect from the evil effects of trigunatmika maya which has Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas as its binding chord. 

Sandal paste has a medicinal value apart from the spiritual value and it will nullify the heating effect when you concentrate and meditate. The scriptures say “a forehead without a Tilak is like a woman without a husband, a mantra without knowing the meaning during japa, a disciple who does not consider his guru as a form of God, a country without justice etc. The spot is from where electromagnetic waves spreads through the entire body. The point also indicates where the spiritual eye opens and during meditation we concentrate on Bhrumadhya. This is also the place where Lord Siva’s third eye is located and when he opens the three worlds (upper,middle and lower) are destroyed. So also for jeeva if the third eye is opened it destroys the fear and sins affecting through Adhyatmika, Adhidaivika and Adhibhautika. Please see post ‘shanti, shanti, shanty’. So apply tilak according to your varna. Each of the four varnas use different colour and different sacred materials. 

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