Science behind Gotra : (Genetics)

What is Gotra system ? Why do we have this ? Why do we consider this to decide marriages ? Why should sons carry the gotra of father, why not daughter ?
How does gotra of a daughter changes after she gets married ?
What is the logic ?
अतुल्य  गोत्रस्य रज:  क्षयान्ते  रहोविस्र्ष्टम्       -   चरक् सारिरस्थन 

Atulya gotrasya rajah-ksayantec rahovisrstam - Caraka sarirsthana

It is being followed from time immemorial that the man and woman who are to come together should belong to different gotra. It is not enough to only ensure that the couple are not from same gotra but also not from the same pravar ( greater subdivisions of the lineage) as these conditions are highly suitable for having an ideal and healthy offspring.

Modern Science has backed this ancient Indian Wisdom. Studies have consistently shown that a child will have increased congenital defects if the parents are related (intermarriage between cousins etc).

The word GOTRA formed from two sanskrit words GAU (means cow) and Trahi (means shed). Gotra means cowshed.  Gotra is like cowshed protecting a particular male lineage. We identify our male lineage / gotra by considering to be descendants of the 8 great rishi (sapta rishi + bharadwaj rishi). All the other gotra evolved from these only.   

Let us see the reasons medically:-

The number of human chromosomes was published in 1923 by Theophilus Painter. By inspection through the microscope he counted 24 pairs which would mean 48 chromosomes. His error was copied by others and it was not until 1956 that the true number, 46, was determined by Indonesia-born cytogeneticist Joe Hin Tjio.

That is human body has  has 23 pairs of chromosomes (one from father and one from mother) on thes 23 pairs, there is one pair called sex chromosomes which decides the gender of person.

During conception if the resultant cell is XX chromosomes then the child will be girl, if it is XY then it is boy.

In XY - X is from mother and Y is from father.  In this  Y is unique and it dosn't mix. So in XY, Y will supress the X and son will get Y chromosomes. Y is the only chromosome which gets passed down only between male lineage. (Father to Son and to Grandson).

Women never gets Y. Hence Y plays a crucial role in genetics in identifying the genealogy. Since women never get Y the gotra of a women is said to be of her husband.

They are 8 different  Y chromosomes from 8 rishis.  If we are from Same gotrathen it means we are from same root ancestor.  Marriages betwen same gotra will increase the risk of causing genetic disorders as same gotra Y chromosomes cannot have crossover and it will activate the defective cells.

If this continues, it will reduce the size and strength of Y chromosome which is crucial for the creation of male.   If no Y chromosome is present in this world, then it will cause males to become extinct.

So Gotra system is a method to avoid genetic disorders and attempt to protect Y chromosome. 

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